
(发表于2025-02-03  责编:小谢)

literal translation








Translating classical Chinese prose like "送东阳马生序" requires not only a deep understanding of the language but also the ability to convey the cultural and historical context. Here is an English translation of the text:
From a young age, I was fond of learning. My family was poor, and we had no means to acquire books, so I often borrowed from families with collections, copying them by hand and returning them on the agreed date. Even in the severe cold, when the inkstone froze and my fingers could not bend, I did not slacken. After finishing the copying, I would rush to return the books, never daring to miss the deadline. Thus, many people were willing to lend me books, and I was able to read extensively.

When I came of age, I admired the teachings of the sages even more, but I was troubled by the lack of great teachers and famous scholars to learn from. I once traveled a hundred miles to seek instruction from a local scholar. The scholar was of high virtue and reputation, and his disciples filled his house. He never showed any leniency in his demeanor. I stood by his side, asking questions and seeking understanding, bowing and listening intently. If he scolded me, I became even more respectful and polite, not daring to utter a word in reply. Only when he was pleased would I dare to ask again. Thus, though I am not clever, I eventually gained some knowledge.

When I followed my teacher, I carried my books and dragged my shoes through deep mountains and vast valleys. In the harsh winter, with fierce winds and snow several feet deep, my skin cracked, but I did not notice. When I reached the lodging, my limbs were stiff and immobile. The servant brought hot water to pour over me, and I was wrapped in quilts until I gradually warmed up. Living in the inn, the host provided two meals a day, with no delicacies or rich flavors. My fellow students wore fine silk and embroidered clothes, with hats adorned with red tassels and precious ornaments, and jade belts. They carried knives on their left and perfume on their right, shining like gods. I, in my worn-out clothes, stood among them without a trace of envy, for I found joy in my studies and did not care about the comforts of the body. Such was my diligence and hardship.

Now, though I am old and have not achieved much, I am fortunate to be among the gentlemen and to receive the favor of the emperor, following the ranks of the high officials, daily attending and advising. Even the world mistakenly praises my name. How much more should those who are more talented than I achieve? If their studies are not refined and their virtues not perfected, it is not due to any natural inferiority but because their hearts are not as focused as mine. How can this be the fault of others?

Ma Shengjunze of Dongyang has been in the Imperial College for two years, and his peers highly praise his virtue. When I came to the capital, he, as a fellow townsman, visited me and presented a long letter as a gift, with eloquent and fluent language. In our discussions, his words were harmonious, and his demeanor was calm. He said that he had worked hard at his studies since youth, and he can indeed be called a diligent scholar. As he is about to return home to visit his parents, I have told him of the difficulties of learning.

literal translation




English Introduction

Song Lian (1310–1381), courtesy name Jinglian and pseudonym Qianxi, was a renowned literary figure and historian of the Ming Dynasty, hailing from Jinhua, Zhejiang. He was one of the founding contributors to the Ming Dynasty, serving as a compiler in the Hanlin Academy and the director of the Imperial College. Song Lian's literary achievements are primarily reflected in his prose and poetry. His prose is known for its simplicity, clarity, and genuine emotion, particularly excelling in character portrayal and narrative. "送东阳马生序" (A Farewell to Ma Sheng of Dongyang) is one of his representative works, where he recounts his arduous journey in pursuit of learning to encourage future scholars to study diligently.



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