
(发表于2025-02-03  责编:小谢)

jiezishu translation







The conduct of a noble person is to cultivate oneself through tranquility and nurture virtue through frugality. Without indifference to fame and fortune, one cannot clarify their aspirations; without serenity, one cannot achieve far-reaching goals. Learning requires tranquility, and talent requires learning. Without learning, one cannot broaden their talents; without ambition, one cannot succeed in learning. Indulgence and laziness will prevent one from exerting their full effort, while recklessness and impatience will hinder the cultivation of one's character. As the years pass and time flies, one's willpower diminishes day by day, eventually leading to a withered and fallen state, disconnected from the world. In the end, one can only lament in poverty, regretting what might have been.

这段翻译力求忠实于原文的意思,同时用流畅的英文表达出诸葛亮的思想精髓。通过“tranquility”(宁静)、“frugality”(节俭)、“indifference to fame and fortune”(淡泊名利)等词汇,译文成功传达了原文的文化内涵。




English Introduction

Zhuge Liang (181–234), courtesy name Kongming and pseudonym Wolong, was a renowned statesman, military strategist, writer, and inventor during the Three Kingdoms period. He served as the chancellor of the Shu Han state, assisting Liu Bei in establishing the Shu Han regime. Known for his exceptional wisdom and loyalty, he is revered by later generations as "Mr. Wolong." His work "诫子书" (Admonitions to My Son) is a letter to his son, Zhuge Zhan. Despite its brevity, the letter is rich in philosophical insights, reflecting Zhuge Liang's educational philosophy and life wisdom.

jiezishu translation

The Enlightenment of "Admonitions to My Son" (诫子书)

"Admonitions to My Son" (诫子书), written by the renowned statesman and strategist Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period, is a timeless piece of wisdom that transcends centuries. Despite its brevity, the letter offers profound insights into personal development, education, and the cultivation of character. Here are some key lessons we can draw from this classic text:

1. The Importance of Tranquility in Self-Cultivation

Zhuge Liang emphasizes the value of tranquility (静) in cultivating oneself. In today's fast-paced world, where distractions are abundant, the ability to remain calm and focused is more important than ever. Tranquility allows us to reflect on our actions, make thoughtful decisions, and maintain inner peace amidst external chaos.

Modern Application: Practicing mindfulness, meditation, or simply setting aside time for quiet reflection can help us achieve the tranquility needed for personal growth.

2. Frugality as a Path to Virtue

The text highlights frugality (俭) as a means to nurture virtue. In an era of consumerism and excess, the idea of living simply and avoiding waste is a powerful reminder to prioritize what truly matters. Frugality is not about deprivation but about valuing resources and cultivating gratitude.

Modern Application: Adopting a minimalist lifestyle, reducing waste, and focusing on meaningful experiences rather than material possessions can help us align with this principle.



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